Monday, February 24, 2014

Do Anacondas , eat humans?

After watching last 2 days episodes of Adaalat serial, which was on killing by Anaconda , the question formed in my mind.
Anaconda just looked like a python. But python dont have teeth whereas Anaconda does. But the teeth are not having venom like cobra's.
They like to swallow their prey instead of biting them. Thats why they just surround their body around the prey and crush .
It is very rare that Anaconda cited eating humans. They can eat humans but the victim has to be a small child.
But I wonder  why did the anaconda of Adaalat , merely " vomited" the person whom it was  trying to kill ?!
Even we have a python in the nearby lake. But it never attacked a human being. It always preferred eating fish , small mammals etc.
My cousin has seen the python on a tree, engulfing a bird !