Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Do your duties first to avail benefits.....

Once a man came to king's court with his pigeons . He wanted to sell the pigeons to king as they were trained as carriers of message .

King liked the idea of using pigeon as message carrier . He bought one . He handed over the pigeon to royal servants and asked them to feed it well so that they can use it for spy works .

Royal servants left the pigeon in royal garden and started feeding it well . Pigeon need not move anywhere , food would be served to its place .

All the time pigeon used to sit on branch , always waiting for royal servants to bring food . Now it has become healthy and stout .

King started asking servants about the message carrying capacity of pigeon . Royal servants said they have not seen pigeon flying ! It is always sitting in one place throughout the day .

King wanted to see the pigeon . When he visited the garden , it was sitting on a branch . Time passed but it did not move from its place .

King was disappointed . He thought person who had made him to buy the pigeon has cheated him . King ordered his soldiers to arrest the person .

Person was caught and produced before king . King accused him of cheating . Person realised the problem and went to see the pigeon .

As usual , pigeon was sitting on branch . It did not move a little . Person climbed the tree holding axe in hand and cut the branch where the pigeon was sitting !

Now pigeon got a shock ! Now to save its life , it has to fly and find a new branch to sit . When it was finding other branch while flying , it spotted other pigeons who were flying too .

It flew for a while and returned to garden . Person asked the servants to feed it . Now pigeon got a lesson that to avail the benefits , it must do its duty of flying first .

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