Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fear of death

                                     Fear of death

Once a man was walking in a desert. He was very thirsty. He thought if he could find a tree to rest on, he may escape from the heat. What a luck ! As soon as he finished his thought, a tree all with green leaves stood infront of him.
Man was very happy.  He ran towards the tree. He leaned to stem of tree. He was getting drowsy. He thought if he could have a bed with pillows it would be nice. As he finished his thought, a bed with pillows stood infront of him !
Man was happy. He laid down on the bed. Then suddenly he remembered he is thirsty and hungry too. He thought if he could have some food and some water to drink, it would be nice. His wish became true. A plate with various dishes and also water to drink came infront him.
By seeing all these, he thought my every wish is coming true. There must be some ghosts on the tree who can read my mind. As soon as he finished thinking, he heard some noise on the top of tree. He thought the sound must be of ghosts. He was scared that what will he do if they come infront of him?
As soon as he finished the thought, a ghost came infront of him. By seeing its external appearance, he thought it may eat him. Same thing happened. Ghost ate him.
Moral : Our ill thoughts are our enemies.

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