Friday, October 14, 2011

Story of Ashwatthama

                                 Story of Ashwatthama

Ashwatthama is the son of Drona. He got his name because when born, he cried like a horse. Thats why he got the name as Ashwatthama (Ashwa means horse in Sanskrit).
Ahwatthama led a very poor life in childhood. Once as a child, he wanted milk to drink. But Drona could not afford milk due to his financial condition. But he is not having the heart to make his son disappointed. Thats why he did a plan. He took flour which is white in colour and poured water to it and mixed well. Now, the mixure looked like milk with white colour. He gave that mixure to his son and told him it is milk. Ashwatthama happily drank thinking it is milk.
Such condition was there in his house. But in battle of Mahabharath, he joined the side of Duryodhan. But Duryodhan got defeated and he was hiding in a lake. But Bhim found that place and broke thighs of Duryodhan. Aswatthama met Duryodhan at that time. He vowed that he will kill all the Pandavas. But Shrikrishna came to know of his promise.
He made children of Pandavas named Upapandavas who are also 5 in number, to sleep in the place reserved for Pandavas. Ashwatthama in darkness could not make out and he killed Upapandavas. He came near Duryodhan with 5 heads in his hand and showed them to his friend.
Then he realised they are not Pandavas. It is also said that Ashwatthama is a chiranjeevi (no death for him.). May be now also he may be present. Aswatthama  led a very tragic life.

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