Monday, April 8, 2013

Why is it not good to cook in copper and brass utensils ?

                Why is it not good to cook in copper and brass utensils ?

Cooking utensils can have an effect on nutrition. The utensils we use to cook food , often work more than just holding the food .
Molecules of substances of utensils can leach into the food that is being prepared in the utensils. Now , we widely use aluminium cookwares.
But studies show that if the food is prepared in uncoated aluminium utensils, chances of getting Alzheimer disease is more. Still, researches show that the amount of material that leaches out to the food is very small in case of aluminium utensils.
Health problem from stainless steel utensils are rare.
Using copper or brass utensils invite danger. Large amounts of copper unlined cookware can cause vomiting , nausea and diarrhea.
Some copper and brass metals are coated with another metal to prevent food coming into contact with copper . But overtime , these coatings can break down and allow copper to dissolve in food. Hence , these cookwares must not be used for cooking.

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