Friday, December 13, 2013

Greed , ruined life

                                       Greed , ruined life

In a village, there was a pond. There lived a swan. It had golden wings.
Near to that pond, there lived a family. Mother was looking after her children . Children were small . They didnt have any source of income too.
They were spending their life in a very hard manner. They were very poor. Swan was noticing all these and it decided to help them.
One day , it came near the house and met the lady and said " I know you people are very poor. I want to help you. I have golden wings. I will give one feather per week to you. By selling that, you can earn money and it will help to solve your problems."
Lady agreed and swan gave her one of its golden feathers. By selling that , they had eaten full meals that day and also for one week. They were spending the money to whatever they had dreamt off. Finally , they are becoming rich !
Swan continued giving golden feathers . Lady didnt say no. Now she had a thought in her mind : Swan is giving only one feather per week. If we are able to collect all of its feathers at once, then we will be even more rich .
She shared her thought with her children. Children too , agreed to her plan. Swan arrived to give its golden feather to them as usual. That time, children caught it and lady quickly plucked all of its feathers. Now they are having lot of golden feathers !
Swan was in pain. It just looked at its lost feathers. Suddenly , they all turned into normal feathers ! Swan said " You people had misused my generosity. I will never back here. You people will lead a poor life like before ".
Lady now repent for her deed.